Spiaggia dei Francesi is found in the locality of Porto Pino in the municipal area of Sant?Anna Arresi. It is reached by going along the via Porto Pineddu and turning left at the junction, and continuing on towards a clearing where it is possible to park. The beach is reached on foot along a dirt track road. Available Services: Small car park, Caf, Scuba diving, Suitable for children , Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.ithttp://www.sardegnaturismo.it/index.php?xsl=5&s=278&v=2&c=45&c1=&t=1
Spiaggia dei Francesi is found in the locality of Porto Pino in the municipal area of Sant?Anna Arresi. It is reached by going along the via Porto Pineddu and turning left at the junction, and continuing on towards a clearing where it is possible to park. The beach is reached on foot along a dirt track road. Available Services: Small car park, Caf, Scuba diving, Suitable for children , Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.ithttp://www.sardegnaturismo.it/index.php?xsl=5&s=278&v=2&c=45&c1=&t=1