
Lucaise is found in the locality of Le Colonne on the Island of San Pietro in the municipal area of Carloforte. It is reached by going along the SP 103 road out of the harbour of Carloforte. Directions for the beach, as with the other beaches on the island, are written upon on large rocks positioned along the roadsides. Available Services: Large car park, Scuba diving, Few tourists Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it


Lucaise is found in the locality of Le Colonne on the Island of San Pietro in the municipal area of Carloforte. It is reached by going along the SP 103 road out of the harbour of Carloforte. Directions for the beach, as with the other beaches on the island, are written upon on large rocks positioned along the roadsides. Available Services: Large car park, Scuba diving, Few tourists Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it

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