Rocce Rosse

Rocce Rosse is found in the locality of Arbatax in the municipal area of Tortol. It is easy to reach by going along the SS125 panoramic road towards the tourist and commercial harbour of Arbatax, and continuing on until reaching the signposts for Rocce Rosse, a veritable emblem of Sardinia. Available Services: Large car park, Caf, Toilet facilities, Suitable for children , Restaurant, Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it

Rocce Rosse

Rocce Rosse is found in the locality of Arbatax in the municipal area of Tortol. It is easy to reach by going along the SS125 panoramic road towards the tourist and commercial harbour of Arbatax, and continuing on until reaching the signposts for Rocce Rosse, a veritable emblem of Sardinia. Available Services: Large car park, Caf, Toilet facilities, Suitable for children , Restaurant, Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it

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