
The Parish Church dedicated to the 'Beata Vergine Assunta' dates to after the Second World War; the first parish church, which always had the same name, dated back to the XVII century and was originally to be found at the place called Cuccuru 'e Murdegu. Nowadays, the Church of 'Santa Teresa d'Avila' rises in the inhabited centre, built in the XVII century and used as a grain mountain until 1936, when it was re-consecrated. The Byzantine period country Church of Santa Sofia is also found on the territory of Tertenia at the place called Bidda 'e Susu. The "Albino Manca" Museum of Modern Art is also found in the village, entitled and dedicated to his artistic life. Manca was born in Tertenia in 1898 and then moved to Rome to complete his studies where he started to make his work known under the patronage of the Counts Leopardi, and to obtain important commissions, (the Duchess of Puglie, Mussolini, various ambassadors and noblemen). He created four colossal bronze statues in magniloquent style for the 'Carabinieri Legion' of Cagliari, in line with his times; the Fascist Period, Justice, New Youth and Duty. He moved to New York in 1938, and received a great deal of acclaim in the United States, both from the critics and from the public, with important assignments, such as the East Coast War Memorial, the gigantic bronze eagle in Battery Park (Manhattan), of which a model decorates the square of Tertenia, and the gold commemorative medal for the historic visit of Pope Paul VI to New York in 1965. He died in 1976 and was buried in Tertenia. But natural values are the real strong point in the territory of Tertenia. The Rio Quirra flows here and with its tributaries creates extremely suggestive landscapes, while the vineyards and the ilex forests, like that of Mount Ferru, give rise to a myriad of chromatic variations of the colour green. The coast that stretches for 12 kilometres, opens up into long beaches of great beauty, like the long beach of Marina di Tertenia. The tower of San Giovanni rises at Sarrala to keep an eye over the coast. Built in granite ashlars, it rises for 11 m in a truncated-cone shape. It probably dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century and was built both for the lack of defence of the coastal area between Capo San Lorenzo at the leap of the Quirra and the tower of Bar, but also to watch over the underlying "Cala Francese", which was regularly visited by the fleets of the Moors. The most important events in Tertenia coincide with the feasts in honour of the saints. The most heartfelt is undoubtedly the one for Santa Sofia, which falls on 11th September. On the afternoon of 31st August, a procession carries the simulacrum of the Saint right to her little church. The next day a solemn Mass is celebrated, at the end of which the simulacrum is taken back to the parish church. Another important feast in Tertenia is the one in honour of 'San Pietro Apostolo', venerated with a procession in costume, folkloristic displays and fireworks. Furthermore, every year in the month of August, the local Tourist Board organises a festival of local products, such as roast or boiled mutton, cheese, wine, etc., which can be tasted by all the visitors. Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it/offerta/cultura/cittaepaesi/paesi/tertenia.html


The Parish Church dedicated to the 'Beata Vergine Assunta' dates to after the Second World War; the first parish church, which always had the same name, dated back to the XVII century and was originally to be found at the place called Cuccuru 'e Murdegu. Nowadays, the Church of 'Santa Teresa d'Avila' rises in the inhabited centre, built in the XVII century and used as a grain mountain until 1936, when it was re-consecrated. The Byzantine period country Church of Santa Sofia is also found on the territory of Tertenia at the place called Bidda 'e Susu. The "Albino Manca" Museum of Modern Art is also found in the village, entitled and dedicated to his artistic life. Manca was born in Tertenia in 1898 and then moved to Rome to complete his studies where he started to make his work known under the patronage of the Counts Leopardi, and to obtain important commissions, (the Duchess of Puglie, Mussolini, various ambassadors and noblemen). He created four colossal bronze statues in magniloquent style for the 'Carabinieri Legion' of Cagliari, in line with his times; the Fascist Period, Justice, New Youth and Duty. He moved to New York in 1938, and received a great deal of acclaim in the United States, both from the critics and from the public, with important assignments, such as the East Coast War Memorial, the gigantic bronze eagle in Battery Park (Manhattan), of which a model decorates the square of Tertenia, and the gold commemorative medal for the historic visit of Pope Paul VI to New York in 1965. He died in 1976 and was buried in Tertenia. But natural values are the real strong point in the territory of Tertenia. The Rio Quirra flows here and with its tributaries creates extremely suggestive landscapes, while the vineyards and the ilex forests, like that of Mount Ferru, give rise to a myriad of chromatic variations of the colour green. The coast that stretches for 12 kilometres, opens up into long beaches of great beauty, like the long beach of Marina di Tertenia. The tower of San Giovanni rises at Sarrala to keep an eye over the coast. Built in granite ashlars, it rises for 11 m in a truncated-cone shape. It probably dates back to the beginning of the XVIII century and was built both for the lack of defence of the coastal area between Capo San Lorenzo at the leap of the Quirra and the tower of Bar, but also to watch over the underlying "Cala Francese", which was regularly visited by the fleets of the Moors. The most important events in Tertenia coincide with the feasts in honour of the saints. The most heartfelt is undoubtedly the one for Santa Sofia, which falls on 11th September. On the afternoon of 31st August, a procession carries the simulacrum of the Saint right to her little church. The next day a solemn Mass is celebrated, at the end of which the simulacrum is taken back to the parish church. Another important feast in Tertenia is the one in honour of 'San Pietro Apostolo', venerated with a procession in costume, folkloristic displays and fireworks. Furthermore, every year in the month of August, the local Tourist Board organises a festival of local products, such as roast or boiled mutton, cheese, wine, etc., which can be tasted by all the visitors. Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it/offerta/cultura/cittaepaesi/paesi/tertenia.html

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