Santa Caterina di Pittinuri

Santa Caterina di Pittinuri is found in the locality of the same name in the municipal area of Cuglieri. The beach has quite fine, reddish-yellow sand, dotted with stones of varying shapes and sizes along with multicoloured pebbles. You reach it along the SS 292, coming from Oristano towards Cuglieri. Go past Riola Sardo and on past Torre del Pozzo and the town of S?Archittu, until you reach the turning for the town of Santa Caterina di Pittinuri. Available Services: Small car park, Caf, Scuba diving, Suitable for children , Campsite, Restaurant, Hotel, Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it

Santa Caterina di Pittinuri

Santa Caterina di Pittinuri is found in the locality of the same name in the municipal area of Cuglieri. The beach has quite fine, reddish-yellow sand, dotted with stones of varying shapes and sizes along with multicoloured pebbles. You reach it along the SS 292, coming from Oristano towards Cuglieri. Go past Riola Sardo and on past Torre del Pozzo and the town of S?Archittu, until you reach the turning for the town of Santa Caterina di Pittinuri. Available Services: Small car park, Caf, Scuba diving, Suitable for children , Campsite, Restaurant, Hotel, Quite popular Src: http://www.sardegnaturismo.it

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